Adding a timezone/location field

2022-12-17 | @andrea

Screenshot of the profile editor on, the timezone section. Header: "Timezone". Description: "If you fill out this field, your card will tell people what time it is where you live. Optionally, you can also chose to publish your approximate location.". Then a select box with list of timezones along with a button "Detect". Then two switches: "Publish the continent in your card: Europe" and "Publish the area in your card: Amsterdam"

Our mission is to make communication easier and more inclusive. Letting people know what's the best way to address you is great, but there's a few other things that can facilitate communication too – like letting people know when it's best to approach you.

We've just added a new field: timezone. With just a few clicks you can share on your card information about your very rough location as well as show visitors what time it is where you live.

If you're curious why did I implement it the way I did, here's a blog post explaining the reasoning:

Avris » Privacy-friendly location field?

